Sunday, October 31, 2010

Motegi 7 hour team enduro.

Today was my final bicycle event in Japan. It was the Motegi 7 hour team enduro. I did essentially the same event this spring as well. In the spring there were 160 teams we competed against, this event had just shy of 300. All week I was watching the weather forecast and it was horrible. A typhoon was coming through and todays weather was dictated by whether the typhoon would pass, or still be here during the race. Well we got lucky and the typhoon hit yesterday, and so today was a little overcast, but with the exception of a few sprinkles it was dry. The course was the same as the spring course incorporating both the oval and road course.
In the spring we competed with 3 members, this time only 2. The team size is limited to 5 members. After the spring event I planned to put together a 5 member team to try to win, but unfortunately everyone had other commitments, so Maeshima san and I decided to just form a 2 member team. There were 2 other teams of friends from work. We named the teams 3S1 Cycling A, B, and C teams. The other 2 teams originally had 3 members, but unfortunately 1 member could not make it, so they competed with 2 members as well. Maeshima san and I both rode wearing my old Ohio State jerseys. We figured it made us look like a real team (his is covered up in this photo).
For this event a number of pro riders came to ride the course. They were not competing against us, but many times they would push the pace. There were members from the Blitzen, Bridgestone Anchor, etc. Yukiya Arashiro, Japans #1 pro rider for Bbox came out as well. He competed in last years Tour de France and finished 3rd in one stage. The pro riders would rotate in and out of the race taking turns riding with the lead pack.
The family came out later this year, so I did not get any pictures from the beginning of the race. Maeshima san made me start again, and I was able to join the top group. As a result I was able to ride with many of the pro riders including Yukiya san (actually I drafted off of him for a bit..) My original plan was to try to stay out for up to 3 hours on the first round, but the pace was too high and I could only last about 1 hour 50 min.
Before the rider change I sped up and went around the main pack to give Maeshima san a chance. At the pit we quickly changed the leg band with chip and the Garmin and Maeshima san was off.
He actually caught the top group, but the pace was too high and so after 2 laps he was kicked out the back. Regardless he was able to keep a high pace during his turn and I was able to get a much needed rest.
Doing this event with 2 members is pretty tough. Both Maeshima san and I were both wiped out after each turn. My general training was about 1 hour to work in the morning and 1 back home. Really for this type of event it is not enough.
All three teams were able to finish safely. Because this event was about 2 times the size of the spring event there were a lot of people on the course at the same time, and as a result a number of accidents. Kate saw one in front of the pits that knocked the rider out. He was carried away in an ambulance. Hopefully he will be OK.

Here is all three of our teams 3S1 A, B, and C after the event.
and 3S1 Cycling A team only. I was trying out my 1 handed technique with the bike, but I do not yet have good confidence in it, so I had to keep my eye on the bike and hand ready.
Our final result........ 10th (out of about 300). We were the top 2 member team that competed in the event. The fastest team had 5 members, 4 teams above us had 4 members and the rest 3 members. I am actually really happy with the end result. Our overall average speed was 24.28 mph/39.07 kph. That is 1 mph faster than our 3 member spring team did. From our group the 3 member C team came in 169th avg speed of 19.6 mph and our other 2 member B team was 190th avg speed of 18.96 mph.
Since it was Halloween there were a handful of teams that participated in costume. This one is an eggplant team. Of course competing in costume makes it really tough to do well. Not sure were this team ended up, but most likely towards the bottom.
Kate and the children, along with the Shionome's, were able to make it out around lunch time. Everyone is a little sick now and so they got a slow start on the day.
The family was able to walk around a little, watch the event, as well as participate in a number of the activities that Motegi has to offer. Liam's favorite was the go-karts. He has said a number of times that when we return he wants to get one. I just keep saying, we will have to see..
Well I am really tired and it is late, so I am going to bring this post to a close.
Hope everyone has a good week..

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